Attractive Leaders
When you say Leadership what is the first thing or person that come to your mind?
I know for me it makes me think of Nielson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, The Pope.
I have been workings towards this journey a long time and last weekend I finally got the opportunity to attend an Authentic Leadership workshop in London with the most amazing authentic women. Women who are called to lead, create, and contribute to make this world a better place. We are here to deliver results.
What valuable insights as an Authentic Leader can I share with you?
I am very passionate as an Authentic Leader to grow more Leaders.
To help more people do work they never dreamed they could do.
Inspire people to own their talents, express their gifts and do the best work of their lives.
I have learnt to listen like a master. Committed to being more inspirational. Keeping my promises. Do nice things for people.
I’ve learnt to earn respect it is a gift. And the quickest way to earn respect is to give it. No need to say much more.
Nothing happened until I took massive action. (That frightens most among us. And so we put off getting great things done)
Do you blame the world for any weakness that are introduced into your life?
We tell the world what we believe via how we behave. Complain all day long and you reveal a deeply ingrained set of beliefs that you are powerless and uninterested. Mistreat others and you reveal that you’re selfish–and disconnected from the beautiful humanity that surrounds you. The good news is that as you wire in the beliefs of leadership (versus victim hood), your behavior changes automatically.
Victims make excuses while leaders drive exceptional results. You can spot a victim a mile away: they blame and complain and are negative and cynical. They’ve given away their power to achieve amazing things to other people and outer conditions for so long they’ve actually conditioned themselves to think they have none. You are not a victim. Use your power to make things better is the more you use it, the more powerful you become.
I believe to truly be a leader has nothing to do with ego-stroking, applause and fame. No, to be a leader is to make phenomenal contributions that make the world better and cause a lasting difference. To lead is to serve. And to be of use.
“When we come from a place of harmony with a horse they feel comfortable in trusting us. Thus we accomplish becoming an attractive leader, not judged by what is on the outside but what is shining from within. An empowered leader is director of their own thoughts as well director of their own life.”
I invite you to come and explore with me and the horses a magical and inspiring and motivational experience. This will leave you feeling confident true to yourself, more awakened to what is before you. There is endless possibilities for you to develop more understanding and awareness and become a brillant leader.
Join me at my Workshop “Courage to be Me” for a wonderful transformational day at Epona Retreat Centre, Rathcormac, Co. Cork
I offer 90 mins Energy Healing Coaching session or Distant Healing Coaching with Ruby/Lizzie my horses where they will help you deepen your connection with self, with others and with your own horse.
Book your appointment here:
Book a FREE 30 minute scheduling call to connect with me here
Sending you love and light.
Noreen x