Dare to speak your Spiritual Truth
Explore who you are, your strengths, your limitations, your talents. Really knowing yourself is incredibly empowering because to stand aligned in your wholeness in the presence of others & horses means you know who you really are and know the value of your own being.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous. Actually who are you not to be” by Marianne Williamson
Are you ready to break through these Fears?
The power of our fear, the habits of judgement within us, repeatedly preventing us touching Spiritual Truth.
Our fear is our strategy to hide, we may use our spiritual life to continue to hide and claim we have renounced life?
In our childhood defense for pain is it easier to get lost in fantasy and as we get older seek a spiritual life of visions to get lost in?
Are we compensating loneliness and feelings of inadequacy by being compulsive and driven, our spirituality may reflect that?
Are you feeling insecure by running away from the world and attending retreat after retreat so that you will find peace withdrawing into silence and daydreaming?
Is our denial so difficult to break through we wander for many years meditating in different communities finding every year frustrating and dissatisfying growing stronger and stronger?
Today, I would like to share with you my healing experience with Lizzie my horse. It was so beautiful, she went straight to my root chakra to ground me and to remind me I am safe and protected by all the people that support me and love me. No need to fear moving forward and being your own Authentic self.
She pulled away from me and I left the reigns go while she rummaged through the weeds and dead leaves. She was letting me know that between the weeds and the dead leaves there was fresh grass growing underneath (giving me the confidence that there is beautiful clients out there open to what I am teaching, don’t be put off by what people are saying, just be yourself and they will come). Patience.
I allowed myself permission to be human and felt into this emotion around self-belief, vulnerability, judgement and self-love. She was here to hold space for me, to help & pull me upwards. By me reaching out and asking the questions I received the support from Lizzie.
I moved away and she came running after me to remind me to acknowledge & be grateful to her. My gratitude to Lizzie was a beautiful red apple from the Orchard and she chewed it with great pleasure and said Thank you, by licking my hands.
When finished, Lizzie flew down the field like a rocket, jumping and bucking. Releasing all the energy she had taken from me and also to show her excitement for me and where I am going in my life right now. Check out video link
I looked around Epona Retreat Centre and was so grateful for the wonderful beauty that surrounded me for my enjoyment, creativity, passion & love. The message I receive from the land was “Use your gifts to get what you want!”
Life is best experienced when shared with people you love.
I invite you to come and explore with me and the horses for a magical and inspiring and motivational experience. This will leave you feeling confident true to yourself, more awakened to what is before you.
My Workshop “Courage to be Me” is a 1 day workshop
I offer 90 mins coaching session with Ruby/Lizzie & Isabel my horses where they will help you deepen your connection with self, with others and with your own horse.
Book an appointment now
Book a FREE 30 minute scheduling call to connect with me here
Contact Noreen B Roche at email address: noreen @Eponaretreats. com
Sending you love & light.
Noreen B Roche