Reiki Treatment with the Horses – Equine 1-2-1 Therapy
Research shows by interacting with horses they allow you to explore your emotions and the benefits of creating different behaviours by:
- Deepening your grounding and personal presence.
- Restoring the natural balance of your body by deep relaxation and bringing a since of peace and well being.
- Self-reflecting so that you can embrace change and redefine your true identity.
- Opening your heart to your inner wisdom and creating a stronger inner self belief.
- Clearing and healing the energy pathways, thus allowing life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.
- 90 minutes healing session with the horses & mother earth.
I guide and support my clients to open up to Self-Love and explore and let go of emotional patterns from the past that no longer serves them through connecting with themselves and the horses. The more we give from the heart, the more the mind receives.
“Horses offer their truth as a healing benefit. The phenomenal awareness of the horse is at the heart of their ability to heal” Horses are true to themselves and millions of years of evolution have not corrupted that. Whether a person’s heart is hard as stone or full of love and compassion, the horse identifies this and mirrors that energy back. They invite you to be truthful about the subtleties of our actions, thoughts and intentions. For self healing to take place we must rise to a level beyond whatever caused imbalances.
When working with the horses it is so important to look them in the eye for communication. This is their soul connection from them to you. They expect this form of interaction because, being social animals, horses want us to look them directly in the eye, as eyes transmit energy from our thoughts and, therefore, eye contact is means of communication. Staring or looking with eyes that reflect anger or other turmoil will unsettle a horse, whereas eyes with a soft, clear, and loving look will connect you deeply.
Benefits of Reiki with the Horses 1:1
Before meeting the horses I take my client on a journey to connect with themselves through Energy Healing and Meditation. This helps my client to relax and be on the same energy level of the horse
This improves their intentions skills, which will open their heart to be more aware what is going on with themselves and the horse
The horses will help them explore more deeply & help them clarity their life purpose
My client will be open to changing habits, emotional patterns, limiting beliefs, empathy, compassion towards themselves and their horse
The horses will mirror their behaviors and defaults that are preventing them from moving forward in their life. When my clients see this happening in front of them, it helps them understand why and it creates a better relationship with themselves and their horse
My clients communication increases with their horse
It allows my clients horse to trust in them more to create a positive environment
Through meditation and being still in the now my clients connect more deeply (a spiritual relationship) which will enable both my client and my horse to better understand each other
When my clients connect with the horses here at Epona it is everlasting. The horses are always connected to my clients and guiding them
Who is attracted to my Reiki Treatment with the Horses 1:1 Equine Therapy
Clients who are connected to their spirituality but lost it on their way because of work and children
They want to regain their power and love again because it keeps popping back into their life and they have to do something about it before it is too late
Clients who are ready for change and want to explore their life purpose
Clients who love the countryside and horses and want to explore more about their connection
Clients who would have been connected to horses when they were younger and loved it but had to stop due to an accident or pushed too hard by parents to perform. They lost the connection they gave up
Clients who are different, and want to be recognized in society for who they truly are
Testimonial :
My healing session with Noreen and her majestic horses and was one of the most profound healing sessions I’ve ever had. Magical is the first word that comes to mind when I think of it. She holds a beautiful sacred and safe space surrounded in the beautiful natural environment. I was amazed at how intuitive she is when working with the animals and I felt the whole experience to be deeply grounding, healing and joyous. I would highly recommend a session with her. Miriam, Cork.
My Client’s Equine Therapy session in the Stable with the Horse
My Client had the most amazing breakthrough in her therapy session today with Ruby my horse at Epona Retreat Centre. By my client connecting softly, Ruby gave her time to open up her heart to giving and receiving love and this is turn grew their connection deeper as the healing session went on.
By being in stillness, problem solving can be more easily achieved because the focus it instills helps direct words, thoughts and actions; elements to be fully aware of in any situation demands kindness. Sharing stillness with Ruby my client experienced healing within and she created the space to let go of what she didn’t want in her life in order to expand the essentials and make room for new concepts.
As you all know, we all run into a minor emotional state in our lives. Strength however comes from being aware of what’s happening and how to deal with it so that we don’t lose our way. As you can see from the picture my client was communicating with Ruby by making eye contact throughout the therapy session. Ruby was wanting her to make eye contact so that she could transmit energy from her thoughts, when this connection happened Ruby started whispering into her soul.
I am ever so grateful and take great pride and joy to be part of this beautiful therapy session and my relationship to work with horses is such a delightful privilege. I am here in this life, universe to translate my learnings through Horses and to help people break through the barriers that are holding them back from living an authentic life.

My Clients therapy experience in the field with the horses during her weekly visit
This evening at Epona Retreat Centre where I go once a week to work, connect and exercise my Teacher’s Horse Lizzie I had a beautiful therapy experience. When we connect our energies with the horse, be present in the now, open ourselves up honestly and allow ourselves to be vulnerable they will mirror back exactly what is coming up for us and give us the answers we need.
As I lunged Lizzie gently in a circle, we initially were both very strong in ourselves until I could feel a myriad of emotions surfacing, we both felt them, and she took a few canter steps in between her walking strides, I voiced its ok let it out, let it out of your system. The same thing happened a few times, before she took off and ran to the other side of the field.
I had released the rope as she ran, placed my lunging whip on the ground and walked towards her, she faced me head on and made to run for me, I opened my arms calmly, palms upwards connecting my energy with hers and I knew in this moment I was to be given a message, there was learning here. she stopped running and walked to me, I asked her the question what is it? what do I need to know? she bowed her third eye to meet mine and rubbed hers firmly yet gently against mine.
I began to cry releasing the emotions and in that moment understanding, she was telling me trust what I see, its ok to see what I see intuitively, I have a gift so share it and be of service to people in a loving positive way. Her running away and coming back mirrored me sometimes running away from it and coming back to it.
As i listened she shook her head, released huge snorts, quivered and pounded the ground with her right front leg all indicating strongly to move on with my energy work, don’t be afraid to be me, to open myself up to the world as this is what I see and this is what I do through my Reiki Healing sessions with People and Animals or through my groups.
With that three black crows came in cawing loudly in the trees above us reinforcing Lizzie’s message to me as Crows appearing means focus and use our “second sight” “the silent sight”, the 6th sense, the gift to see into the spirit realms.
As Noreen reminded me it also warns us to focus completely on who I’m working with at any one time and to give my absolute best at that moment. Being in the now, focus on what I can see right now. Be present on this earth not happily floating away into other realms that happens when I self meditate or have energy therapies done to me.
Because I had listened and understood the crows left. Lizzie calmy walked back with me to continue our lunging. She was not finished in her teaching though, at the same point in our circle and for three times she balked and stopped dead pulling against me, mirroring what I do when I’m told what to do. I don’t like it, I never have, gently reminding me choose my path my soul purpose,trusting in the peace and contentment I’ve always felt in being different.
I have the courage to be me, to be unique and to stand apart in a way that’s right for me yet connected to all living beings in a very loving way. I’m forever grateful to Noreen O’Neill Roche for her teachings, support and encouragement.
She is an amazing Transformational Equine Therapist, Reiki and Animal Reiki Master whose retreat of learning is an extremely magical place.