Higher Vibrational Edge
How many of us accumulate happenings that call out for our attention and we decide to make a choice of controlling it from a lower energy realms?
Are our negative thoughts and emotions taking over our physical, emotional, and mental energy?
Are you finding yourself acting out in anger, surrendering to stress & anxiety or are you beginning to doubt if you even have an ability to truly be who you wish to be?
To be aware and accept are two of the most essential qualities to develop. Aware that you are an emotional creature and will continue to experience darker thoughts and emotions such as anger, resentment, stress and anxiety. Allow yourself the space to accept these feelings with calmness. This acceptance is vital as all emotions are deserving of our love. Where you may stumble is in reflecting on these thoughts and emotions and refuse to allow and refrain from becoming or acting out in these emotions.
When you embrace darker emotions, you are able to hear the messages they offer. Anger for instance, is a great message that says that a boundary needs to be set. That boundary can be set in love.
You can refrain from becoming the emotion of anger, while still accepting it is a part of you. This goes the same for any other emotion that you might be thinking. Find the message in the emotion, treat it with healing and choose the healthiest response, even if that response is to accept that there is nothing to do other than support the emotion with love until it lessens.
As you develop awareness and acceptance of what prevents you from maintaining a higher vibration in the face of daily life, surrendering becomes a basic action. Purposely, surrendering the resistance of what is. When you submit to the present moment, exactly how it presents itself, and aside from expectations or how you might like to control it, you will find great peace. Surrendering in this way grants the power to respond to the moment from a higher vibration, instead of reacting out of old, and perhaps dysfunctional, habits.
Today, my awareness while out in the field with Lizzie was “Dominating my sacred space”. She approached me and stood over me and a sense of Anger & Fear entered into my body. My physical and mental and emotional thoughts were “Move away from me, stop looking down on me, stop controlling me, where can I run away to” As I felt these negative thoughts and emotions I stood still and allowed and accepted Lizzie to shadow over me, I started to trust her. I listened to the birds singing, the horses chewing and walking in the grass. I stood still and saw the shadow of the trees on their bodies. I could feel the light breeze move over our bodies, I could feel my eyes going blurry and my body swaying from side to side. I could feel the tension, aches and pains in my body. I could feel the emotional release in our bodies as we all worked together. It was time to breath out the negative physical, emotional and mental energy and breath in the beautiful fresh air, Nature and the Animals that surround us here at Epona Retreat Centre. Lizzie turned around and walked away to join the other horses out in the field. I was done.
Awareness, acceptance, and surrender will allow you to shine in maintaining the vibration in the face of daily life. Therefore, practicing these qualities takes on a profound importance. Pursuing activities such as taking time for energy healing with Horses, meditation in Nature, yoga and other mindfulness exercises will help you strengthen these qualities. As you gently guide yourself daily within these practices, they will begin to naturally spill over into the rest of your life. Before you realize it, you will be maintaining high vibrations no matter what the moments of your day present to you.
Higher vibration (Intuition) is a powerful, useful, natural gift that can lead you to better decisions, healthier living, richer experiences, and more fulfilling relationships. (Pretty much everything.)
Would you like to open the channels to your inner knowing with great clarity and trust, allowing it to guide your choices and actions?
When you live on the higher vibrational edge, you will learn to:
- Trust your instincts.
- Find it easier to make decisions.
- Know the difference between intuitive insights and internal noise.
- Bring clarity and guidance to uncertainty.
- Find creative solutions to problems.
- Achieve your goals with greater purpose, power, and passion.
- Enjoy fulfilling and joyful interactions with friends, loved ones, and colleagues.
- Refine your powers of perception and heighten your awareness.
You’ll soon find yourself attracting what you need to make your life better and better. On a deep, inner mind level you will be steadily raising the “vibrational level” of your physical, emotional, and mental energy.
Why is this so important?
Changing the reasons why you do things in your life, creates different results with what you do and in who you are.
The bottom line is that times can get tough – but there’s nothing wrong with believing you’re tougher. Because when you believe you ARE good enough to create the life you desire, and you believe that YOU ARE good enough to make it through any situation. When this happens, the way you look at things suddenly change, and before you know it, your reality positively changes with it.
There’s no need to try to compete or catch up with those who are in your field. Be the best version of YOU. Be the change you want to see in YOURSELF. Allow the future vision of YOU to be your hero.
At Epona Retreat Centre I have designed workshops, coaching programmes for woman to interact with Horses, Spirit Animal Guides and Nature. These help and support you to have the courage to be vulnerable, courage to be supported, courage to see your greatness, courage to be creative, courage to dream big, courage to listen to your intuition, courage to take the next small step, courage to speak your truth, courage to live fully, courage to laugh without control, courage to make decisions, courage to open your heart to unconditionally love, courage to be without judgment and lastly the Courage to be You. See below my list of offerings to you and the world.
Sending you lots of love and light.
Noreen x