🌿🌻Rediscover your Inner Child 2 day Retreat

🌿🌻 Embrace the Wisdom of Nature & Animals 🌻🌿

This beautiful heart centred retreat. lead by Transformational Coach Noreen O’Neill Roche, will support you to open up to self-love, to explore and let go of emotional patterns from the past that no longer serve you & have held you back. Throughout this retreat you will deepen your connection with self, with others and with horses.

We will be mastering positive thinking and positive emotions, opening up our hearts to self-love. All horses sense what you are feeling and these emotions instruct them in how to act when in your presence, resulting in helping you to delve deeper into your heart space so at to reach insights and truths that have been buried, in some cases for a very long time.

By acknowledging and clearing negativity, healing can take place. The retreat will help you to feel more powerful within yourself and give you the courage to open up your heart to love in your daily life.

Horses are hardwired for the state of nonattachment, the rhythms of nature, kicking up there heals on a cool spring morning, grazing peacefully in fields of flowing grass, with a constant awareness of predators.  They mirror what’s happening from moment to moment.  They not only reflect indifference in emotions and intention, they highlight unrecognised strengths and improvements in people as well, providing self awareness, the most difficult aspect of any mindfulness practice. 

When you go deep within your soul you are reconnected with your true self and healing takes place.  When you leave Epona you are processing what went on here at my retreats. The outcome is ongoing. This is what people are sending me back; 

“I have already connected with Ruby over the past 2 days, which is such an amazing nurturing feeling.

On the topic of abundance, I was certainly holding a belief that abundance meant wanting and needing more and more, but have come to realize it is not all about that. I feel I have released something which is enabling me to be freer “

“My hope for my next visit is to be much closer physically to the horses – but we have shifted almost 20years of hurt, pain & fear so high 5s to us all. 

“I have already grown since my time at Epona.”

“It will be an experience that will stay with me for a long time”

equine therapy

Creative Activities

At my retreat we will rediscover your Inner Child  by exploring practical activities, including art, handicrafts, colouring, clay, design, exercise, which will help give our creativity a boost, taking us closer to the forces of meeting the horses. This helps reach mind states that are similar to those of horses.

Be prepared to get your hands and clothes dirty!!!!!!

Creativity is playful, carefree with progress, it creates for the fun of it. Stress is its opposite.

If we combine stress with the constant repetition of the same thoughts and stories, which leaves no room for anything new to enter this world, what chance does that creative spark have of lighting a fire underneath you? Almost none.

Spending time with horses can bring us to discover our hidden talents, leading to personal development.

To enable this to take place more easily, it’s beneficial to explore creativity to increase sensitivity to this process. Humans often get caught up in things that are structured but this doesn’t necessarily keep us safe; rather, it closes us in and prevents our creativity from surfacing.


Through Meditating with the horses we will be emptying our minds and we will be guided by our spirit guides, angels and the horses.  We will be reducing stress and bringing focus & clarity into our life before meeting the horses 1-2-1.

It is so important to be in the same moment, in the present now with your horse, not thinking what you could do next (in the future) or what you should have done before (in the past).  ‘Should, could, would, black & white thinking yourself may cause you to fall out of the moment and if you and your horse are about to step out of your comfort zone you need to both be there.  Without the fear in your being you will be amazed at how many talents you already have, and how easily you can feel into your true purpose.

“Our observation rests on our perception and our perception rests on our personal truth”

equine therapy retreats
equine coaching programmes

What will you learn at my Retreat

How Mother Nature can impact your outcomes and your confidence;

Strategies for cultivating a supportive environment – communicating intuitively with Noreen’s Therapy Horses and your own gut feeling;

Identifying what holds you back and how to pave a clear way forward by opening your heart to your inner wisdom and create a stronger inner self belief.

Identifying positive and negative influences through the horses mirroring your emotional patterns & self-reflection so that you can embrace change and redefine your true identity.

Understanding and Aligning Your Authentic Identity by exploring personal strengths, passions, and unique qualities. Building your authentic identity to boost confidence and embrace your uniqueness.

Group discussions to share insights and strategies for changing thought patterns by identifying and challenging self-doubt; Developing a positive self-talk toolkit

Identifying core values and their impact and identify your challenging limiting beliefs

Identifying personal boundaries and their importance; Practical strategies for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

Introduction to guided visualization meditations and  Tai Chi & QiGong exercises for effective confidence building

Understanding the mind-body connection;  Breathing exercises for anxiety and overwhelm reduction and increase confidence.

Reflecting on the entire retreat experience; Creating a personalized action plan for ongoing confidence building and creating desired outcomes ; celebrating your achievements and acknowledging your progress

What are people saying about my workshop?

Noreen is a wonderful person and what she offers is an experience of authenticity, self discovery, self trust and most importantly self love. I wouldn’t be where I am now without this retreat.

I had a spiritual awakening and given messages from the horses and learned I needed to listen to my Soul.  Linda

A lovely mix of structure and freedom.  Low-key but a very intentional experience.  Noreen is amazing at letting us do our work safely. Sara

I had the most wonderful nurturing weekend with Noreen Roche and some other wonderful women at the Epona Retreat centre for the Rediscover your Inner Child weekend retreat.  It was the perfect gift to myself, just when I felt the need to recharge my energy levels and some much needed self-care. Noreen has created such a beautiful space, where we were invited into her home for the weekend, grounding ourselves with Tai Chi on the dewy grass, guided meditations, Yoga, Artwork , beautiful food and of course working with her beautiful horses. It will be an experience that will stay with me for a long time. I am a huge advocate of Self-Care and nurturing of our Body, Mind and Spirit, giving ourselves the space and time to truly connect with our true selves. By doing so, we can give so much more to others whilst ensuring we also nurture ourselves. Thank you Noreen. Wishing you much love and light , Valerie

My hope for my next visit is to be much closer physically to the horses – but we have shifted almost 20years of hurt, pain & fear so high 5s to us all. I see now how much of a barrier I put up on Sunday haha!! Sinead
Location was stunning. Accommodation was so comfortable, warm and clean, felt like home.  Food, super nourishing and delicious and fresh. Judie
Noreen was very intuitive and helped me understand myself and the horses body language better. Alanna
I had a beautiful time at Epona, very relaxing and also very powerful.  Noreen was very welcoming and kind.  It was amazing to work with the horses! Hannah

Dates for Retreats in 2024 – 19th – 21st July;  30th August – 1st September ; 15th – 17th November 2024

Day 1: arrive at 7pm Registration –  Friday evening -Open Circle & Meditation

Saturday Day 2: 10am – 4.30pm Retreat – Tai Chi/QiGong Movement Meditation in the Garden, Artwork, Meeting the horses (Lunch & refreshments incl. Vegetarian/Vegan) 

7.pm Evening Meal – Vegetarian/Vegan 

8.30pm – 10.00pm Fire Burning outside with the Horses;

Sunday Day 3: 10am – 2pm Retreat Tai Chi/QiGong movement meditation with the horses, 1:1 with the Horses & I – Closing the Circle & Reflection (Lunch & refreshments incl. Vegetarian/Vegan) 

2.00pm Retreat Ends

2 nights luxury accommodation B&B, Evening Meal, and 2 Lunches

Double Room ensuite; 2 Single Beds ensuite; Double Bed & Single Bed ensuite;

Please book a call if you need further information on Noreen’s retreats.

Poem Written by Mira Warszawski

Goddess from Epona

Let yourself be so free

like Noreen’s horses can be

Living in a precious land,

Hidden in the beautiful nature of Ireland.

They run freely on the sparkling field of green soaked imagination,

Appreciating their presence on the Planet Earth

In the secret place called Epona They are amazing gentle creatures called Ruby, Lizzie and Isabel.

No, this wasn’t in my dream!

This place belong to a daydreaming land of everlasting greenery that brings calmness to your heart and fulfil your soul with peace

Yes,  you and me, we can experience its beauty gracefully when the right time comes.

Let your hair down whilst touching Lizzy’s body of golden energy turned into a shape of that magnificent horse she became now after being the Unicorn once upon a time.

How do I know that?

She has the most beautiful blonde fringe on the whole planet and the eyes of Goddess.

Look at those eyes!

You can see the Universe in them gazing at you with cosmic love sent by higher beings to help humans.

Connect, breath and feel it!

Healing message has been delivered at your doorstepss.