My Self Love Retreat supports a healing space for the horses to step fully into their role as healers for her clients where they will invite you to step into mindfulness. This will transform your world into one of compassionate openness – one of deeper awareness, enhanced perspective and richer creativity.
Self love to me is what gives you permission to be your original self in the world. It is the ability to take all that self-knowledge and accept yourself from where you are in your life right now and know even with goals still to accomplish and changes you might still want to bring into being, you are whole, complete, lovable, valuable, deserving and magnificent just as you are.

We all have to make decisions, are we going to be the victim or are we going to make a choice and learn to love our true self again.

Do you Love yourself enough?
Whether a person’s heart is hard as stone or full of love, compassion, the horse identifies this and mirrors that energy back. They invite us to be truthful about the difficulties of our actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions. For self-healing to take place we must start living from a place of love, truth, authenticity and inner power.

Are you the person who puts everyone else first and yourself and your family last?
Does this all sound too familiar to you?
What do you think Self Love means?
Some people have the misunderstanding of Self Love and what it means: Selfish, Mean, Overly Confident, Arrogant to say a few……..

At my Self Love Retreat you will thrive on accepting imperfection. When you learn to love yourself you radiate out that love to everyone you meet. It’s an incredibly powerful, sexy, magnetic, irresistible, quality.
You will learn to Love yourself wholly and send your light out into the world.
We will be exploring who you are – your strengths, your limitations, your preferences, your creative talents … and more.
Accepting the reality of how you feel about yourself now, understanding why you feel that way, and where it comes from.
Recognising what happens in your thoughts, feelings and behaviours when this comes to the surface.
Changing your perspective on the things that created those feelings, processing them, and learning how to begin to move past them, so they don’t have the same power and control over you anymore.
Finding the truth about yourself, and distinguishing that from the lies you (inadvertently) tell yourself most of the time.

What is so brilliant and effective about the horses is they are able to sense what is happening at the core of an experience, not at the surface. What often happens is people who come here to Epona Retreat Centre they think it is one thing they are here to look at and work on to discover that it is really something else.
When we get the message behind the emotion and change something in response to that message our bodies will release the tensions automatically.
My horses will mirror the release because emotion and sensations are transmittable. It’s helpful to breathe into any tension that arises in your body while becoming curious about the information it may hold.
Moving against tension increases it activating the sympathetic nervous system that increases heart rate, leading to flight or fight behavior.
Breathing into the tension activated the parasympathetic nervous system which decreases heart rate, supporting fluidity, focus and a problem solving mind-set.

My Self Love Retreat we will help you relax into your body and allow yourself to have patience with yourself. With patience comes progress. Patience is really another word for letting go of fear and anxiety. We will focus on your action steps by:
Helping you set clear intentions to receive clarity on personal issues;
Allow you to view the horse as a metaphor for how to engage in your life;
Enter with an open heart, to whatever comes from your interaction with the horse.
You will feel yourself tuning into the peaceful energy of the horse upon your first touch. As you meet each horse and begin to exchange breath and touch, you will form a connection that will nourish your heart and inspire you into love, peace and harmony.

When we are guided to consciously connect with our Higher Self this allows you to reach a new place of freedom and power. Instead of wanting or grasping for things, or telling the Universe your wish list, you are open and accepting of whatever flows your way, and in a state of complete trust that all is unfolding for your highest good.
Your Higher Self – the Divine within you and around you, always knows what is best for you and the journey of your soul.
Uncertainty is a part of life, and even though it is uncomfortable, it can be a powerful teacher in learning how to detach, stay in the present moment, and open to our full potential. As the saying goes – ~When nothing is certain, anything is possible”

Life was given to us as a gift – to enjoy and appreciate, to love and to live. And by finding our way back to ourselves, back to who life created you to be, you will be able to enjoy, appreciate and live a life to the fullest.

What are people saying about my Retreat:
Date for next Retreat: February 16th/17th/18th
Day 1: Friday evening: arrive at 7pm Registration – Open Circle – Grounding & Setting Intentions with the energy of the Fire & Horses (Meditation)
Day 2 Saturday : Breakfast 8.30am – 9.30am
10am – 4.30pm Retreat – Grounding Exercises Tai Chi, Creative Artwork, Meeting with the Horses & meditation
(Lunch & refreshments incl. Vegetarian/Vegan served throughout the day) Evening Meal – 3 course Vegetarian/Vegan meal incl.
8.30pm – 9.30pm Setting intentions with the energy of the fire and the horses outside
Day 3: Sunday: Breakfast 8.30am – 9.30am
10am – 2pm Retreat – Healing your hearts with the Horses. Individual sessions with the Horses, time out to journal and reflect. Closing the Circle.
(Lunch & refreshments incl. Vegetarian/Vegan)
2pm – Retreat Ends
2 nights accommodation B&B, Evening Meal, and 2 Lunches
Availability : Double Room ensuite; 2 Single Beds ensuite; Double Bed & Single Bed ensuite;
Please ring Noreen to confirm your booking. Thank you.