So What is your Life? Is it an expression of Joyful activity or a struggle to get somewhere?
What if it were possible to get accurate answers to your most challenging questions, so you can be free of struggle and focus once and for all?”
Do you struggle to stay focused? Feel out of balance or disconnected from your life?
Being super busy stops you from connecting deeply with yourself, with your life and with the universe. This way of being takes you out of your natural flow. When you are out of sync with yourself and the universe you lock that natural connection which leads you to blocking abundance, lOve & jOy in your life.
So what is your life? Is it an expression of joyful activity or a struggle to get somewhere?
The answer to this question determines not just your enjoyment of your life, but also your contribution to the world while you are living. Take note of what happens for you when you work with this present moment focus.
What if it were possible to get accurate answers to your most challenging questions, so you can be free of struggle and focus once and for all?”
There are those who rise above these struggles & anxiety and awaken to their true power, and take control of their own destiny.
Welcome to my world.
When I work with my clients at the beginning of a healing session I take them to the NOW moment through meditation, energy healing & connecting to Mother Nature. This is sometimes very difficult & challenging for my clients because for the first time they notice the noises, smells, struggles & anxiety that are going on around them and in them.
Noticing these emotions means they are taking a step closer to surrendering & releasing and entering a meditative state. The heart rate & the blood pressure goes up & then down so we can enter into a calm & peaceful state of mind.
This is where I take my client into the field with my 3 horses. The horses & I mirror my client’s behaviour. To help my client stay focused they have to become more:
Careful and attentive to the horses & my behaviour.
Trusting themselves
Clear in their messages
Staying with the plan (90 mins) – focusing on their goals & intentions.
When we are out in the field my horses communicate intuitively with me to ask questions or tell a story to help my client speak about their own experiences. The horses do this by stomping on the ground with their legs, swishing their tail, standing in a direction or shaking their head. The biggest shift is the rumbling of the horse’s stomach, we are all relaxed and my client has accepted us to help them.
As we begin our healing session the horses are very attentive to my clients body language (standing position, hand & leg movement) & inner feelings & emotions (heart rate, blood pressure rising & falling, gut & brain) and when my client is thinking about an emotion or feeling, the horses will let me know by licking & chewing this is where I send healing energy to that source to help them release the emotion that they are struggling to focus with in their lives with lOve & ease. As we work together the horses will yawn as a way of helping my client open up to their inner self and surrender and release any anxiety & negativity going on in the body that has been buried for a long time.
To show them this emotional release has taken place I get them to do an exercise with the horses. I ask them to walk out into the middle of the field and allow the horses to come to them. My client is in a calm & peaceful state their body language is relaxed and most importantly they are focused on what they are doing. They trust themselves and everyone in the field. The horses approach them calmly and they bond together – my client brushes the horses. We use this approach a few times out in the field to help my client to focus on the task and the NOW.
This energy healing work helps my clients to focus their mind more confidently in their schoolwork, workplace, healing practices & horseriding & other sports etc.
It is a very powerful exercise to help my clients to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Life changing.
The horses teaches us the path of the heart is the door to our inner self & this will bring us abundance, lOve & jOy in our lives.
“The heart knows what the mind struggles to believe”.
Sending you all lots of love & light.
Noreen x
19th – 21st July
30th August – 1st September
15th – 17th November
or book a :
1-2-1 Energy Healing with Noreen & the horses supports you in knowing who you truly are and we listen, balance without any judgement and helps you shine from within. We encourage the flow of natural thoughts. Book your appointment here.
Book a FREE 30 minute Consultation call here with Noreen